
materials features prices
ceramic inlay ‘Ceramic inlay’ is a filling fabricated from ceramic materials. It is durable, aesthetic with its tooth colour, and biocompatible. ¥63,000
Hybrid composite resin inlay Inlay for the biting surface ¥45,750
ceramic crown A eramic crown is a cap or cover made of ceramic materials. It is durable, aesthetic and biocompatible. ¥126,000
hybrid composite resin crown Hybrid composite of ceramics and plastics ¥84,000
polycarbonate Reinforced plastics ¥21,000
precious metals Harmless metals ¥157,500
cores for fillings features prices
fibre core Core made from fibres. Biocompatible and not noticeable. ¥15,750
resin core   ¥10,500
Whitening   1 tooth